Home Renovations in Port Elizabeth
There are many home owners in Port Elizabeth who are regularly looking to have home improvements done to their property, sometimes it is because they want to modernize their homes and other times it is because their home alterations are a necessity, but regardless of why you start a home improvements project, it is an inconvenience and a disturbance to your regular routine.
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Before you can make any final decisions on the home improvements whether it be, paving, a new roof installation, electrical wiring or bricklaying that you want to have done in your home you need to look at different home improvement ideas and consult with specialist Port Elizabeth home renovation contractors who are able to give you professional advice on the home renovation ideas in PE that you have and can provide you with the necessary services for your home renovations.
How to choose a construction company: Detailed List of Requirements – Go around and make a list of all the house renovations that you want to have done in as much detail as possible, make sure that you include your house renovation ideas, pictures of things that you like and some ideas on the fittings, finishing touches, colour schemes and any other details which pertain to the room that you are renovating.
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When you contact home renovation Port Elizabeth companies and start discussing your home renovations with the building contractor specialist the more details you have, the better idea you will be able to give them of what you want done. Once you have made a detailed list of your requirements you will need to start the search for the correct contractor to attend to your building renovations. Here are some simple steps for you to follow to help you find the right contractor for your project.
Steps Involved for Remodeling Your Home
Prospective Contractors – A lot of home owners in Port Elizabeth will simply contact a few renovation companies and ask for estimate quotes and then go with the company that gives them the cheapest estimate, but it is for your own benefit if you follow a specific routine and find the right contractor for your specific home renovations project in PE.
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Telephonic Interviews – Once you have a list of prospective building contractors in Port Elizabeth that you think might be suitable to do the renovations that you want to have done on your property, you need to put each company through a telephonic interview.
There are some important points to remember during this telephonic interview, as the conduct of the person on the other side of the phone as well as their willingness to divulge information to you will be important when you come to making the final decision on which company you are going to use.
If the person on the other side of the phone is rude or unable to provide you with information you should question the integrity of the company. Also make sure that you get at least three references from the companies that you phone and follow up with the references.
If the company does not answer the phone at all and does not respond to any messages you leave within twenty four hours, you can safely assume that the company is too busy to give your Port Elizabeth home renovations adequate attention.
Shortlisting the prospects – Once you have completed the telephonic interviews with the list of prospective contractors and you have crossed off the ones that did not have a professional telephone manner or could not provide you with the required information you should have a shorter list of prospective building contractor companies in PE, these are your shortlist companies.
This list should not be more than a maximum of four companies. You will then need to call these companies and set up separate appointments for each building contractor professional to come and evaluate your requirements at your property.
Evaluation appointments – When the home renovations contractor from Port Elizabeth comes to your property for their assigned appointment there are a few things that you should make notes of to help you narrow down your short list and make a decision on which company you are happy to work with.
Make a note of whether or not the contractor is punctual, if they are running late did they phone and advise you of this situation and are they apologetic, do they pay attention to you while you are speaking or are they too busy with their electronic devices, do they take a look at the list of requirements you have made and do they give you any advice on your project?
Decision Time – Now that you have completed the appointments with all the construction companies that are on your short list it is time to decide which company you are going to employ to do your home improvements.
Most home owners would automatically employ the services of the company that provides them with the cheapest quotation, but it is best for you to go through your notes and then take into consideration the professionalism of the contractor and the company from the first contact that you have had with the company.
Also remember that cheap is not always the best, therefore we advise that you choose the quote that is in the middle of all the quotes so long as the contractor and company have displayed exceptional professionalism throughout your experience so far.
Once you have decided upon the building contractor in Port Elizabeth for your project you will make a second appointment for the contractor to come to your property where you will finalize the hiring procedure.
Completing the Hiring Procedure – Make sure that your requirements are included in the contract that you have drawn up between the construction company and yourself, this contract should include EVERYTHING that pertains to the specific home improvement project.
Include the materials and their costs, the labour, the finishing touches and the fixtures as separate items in the contract and make sure that the contract details all the additional requirements which have been discussed with the building contractor. Another important part of the contract is the time it is expected to take to complete your home alterations.
Having a detailed contract is a security measure for both you and the construction company, so that if there are any disputes that arise during your home improvements project you can both refer back to the contract for clarification.